2019 – Mid-year report card

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

My theme for 2019 is the year to fortify — to build on the foundations from last year and to emerge a stronger person from all the changes that took place in my life. I’ve set some good goals for myself so let’s see how I’ve faired so far this year.

  1. Focus more on my writing: Grade B. I started off the year pretty ambitious with a content calendar that had me posting a new post weekly. That was super ambitious and I barely made it through January. My content calendar was quickly abandoned. I’ve written a fair amount for this blog but not as much as I like. I know I’ve gone like 2 months without a single post…that’s no bueno. So I need to step up my game. I even wanted to do writing beyond this blog and that’s not happened yet either. I’ve got to be more disciplined in the second half of the year. But I have to admit that having the focus to write after a long day of work is really tough when all I want to do is watch tv, eat, and sleep. I need to make better use of my weekends and prioritize my writing, which admittedly I haven’t been doing.
  2. Read more: Grade A+ I set a goal of 10 books this year and secretly I wanted to complete it by mid year and I DID!!!! I’ve read 10 books and am onto my 11th. A+++. Let’s see how many I can complete by year end to get me that extra bonus.
  3. Side hustles galore: Grade B+. First half of 2019 has been quite a blast for my side hustles. I’ve done some writing (not as much as I’d like…see point #1 above), finished my reading goals ahead of schedule, started my third paint by numbers (#3 babyyyyy), was an alumni interviewer for my alma mater, had a wonderful and productive time volunteering for the Santa Clara County Reading Program. Not to toot my own horn…ok I am tooting my own horn but I’ve kept up with my workouts (and my weight 🙂 ), did some camping, TWO vacations!!!, watching Nadal play live. All in all, it’s been quite a fun and fulfilling year so far. Wine bottle painting has not progressed so well but that’s ok. I’ve got plenty of other bright spots with my side hustles. Now only if I could earn some $$$ with my side hustles… I’ll be set for life.
  4. Invest in relationships: Grade B. I think I’ve done a pretty good job so far of strengthening bonds with my family and friends. At least, with my husband and parents. My sister and I took a trip together to London and Paris. My husband and I have taken a few weekend trips and have a few more planned. We also enjoy working out together whether it’s at the gym or a nice hike. With friends it’s a little harder given that most of my friends live in different states and are busy with their own families or are “busy” in general. Strengthening those relationships will take extra effort from both sides.
  5. Maintain my meditation practice: Grade A-. I’ve been very consistent with meditating every day before work. Sure I’ve missed a day or two here especially on the weekends or while traveling my schedule is disrupted otherwise my consistency is excellent.

In conclusion, I am awesome and should get promoted at work (irrelevant but true). I’ve stayed on target so far with my 2019 goals but doing so requires a daily dose of discipline, which is at times exhausting and can also get overwhelming. I have to remind myself to relax and not get stressed out while trying to work on my side projects.

For the second half of the year I have to focus on my writing more, turn that B- into an A and finish my paint by numbers. My mom says I’m a hamster on a wheel constantly moving moving moving. We have One Life to Live (I was a Young & the Restless and General Hospital kinda girl) so I gotta make the most of it.

Are you on track with your 2019 goals?

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