2018 Reflections

Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

2018 was a quite a whirlwind year for me. There was so much change that happened in my life this year but as I write this post, I am surprisingly calm and collected. I know this wasn’t always the case throughout the year but I am happy to end the year on a positive and more importantly content note.

So let me recap for you my top 5 milestones of 2018.

  1. Single no mo’ – the biggest and most awesome milestone of 2018 was my wedding. The months before a wedding are super stressful and really sap your energy. I was lucky that I had a wedding planner, thank you dad, who painstakingly planned all the details (that too a wedding in India!) and took the pressure off me. All the wedding festivities were lots of fun with my close family and friends in attendance, just the way I wanted it to be. The actual wedding ceremony was over in the blink of an eye but overall everything turned out really well. I was blessed to be surrounded by all the love bestowed upon me by my family and friends. Now, the really challenge of marriage begins!
  2. Getting a new job. I knew that I would have to move to the West Coast, but never did I imagine that I would land a new job so quickly. That too a job in a totally different industry (CPG and foods industry). I remember putting my hat in the ring one weekend to see what kind of response I would get and surprisingly I got several responses and one yielded a new job across the country nevertheless!!! All the disappointment and feelings of failure were put to rest. I’m finally meeting the goal I set for myself for business school. Whether I wind up down this career path or make a pivot to a new industry altogether, one thing is certain, I like Marketing.
  3. Moving to the West Coast. Sunny days, glitz and glamor, tech geeks, take it easy attitude, surfing and sipping margaritas by the beach are all the images that mind would conjure when I thought about California. While all are true representations of the state, there is so much to explore in this state that basically makes up the West Coast. I’ve explored new places and activities from hiking to camping to volunteering for a literacy program. I’m starting to push my boundaries and get outside my comfort zone. This East Coast gal is warming up to West Coast way of life!
  4. Keeping up with my side hustles! Having a regular 9-5 job isn’t fulfilling for me. Work enables me to earn a paycheck, build my professional life, and live the type of life I want to live but its my side projects that give me the extra oomph. Whether its writing for this blog or finishing my paint by numbers painting or volunteering or playing Tennis, these side hustles give me happiness and make life exciting. I’m proud of continuing with my side hustles in 2018 on a consistent basis.
  5. New opportunities for my sister. I’ll leave this vague and while it’s not a milestone in my life per se, I’m grateful for the persistence that my sister has shown in forging her own career path in life. Even though she heard no more times than yes, nevertheless, she persisted (Yep I used the popular feminist expression) and ended the year on a positive note.

In conclusion (haha), 2018 was a fantastic year. There were bumps and bruises along the way but I’m grateful for my marriage, my new job, my friends and family and for my health.

P.S. 2018 Goals – Year End Report Card

I set a few goals for myself earlier this year. I’m going to do a quick recap of these goals and grade myself on achieving them or not.

  1. Design my professional blog. Grade A. I’ve learned quite a bit of about WordPress and blog design. I worked to develop my written voice which was my main goal and have shared my thoughts on a multitude of topics that are important to me. I hesitate to give myself an A+ because I did lose steam at the end of 2018 as life got busier and unfortunately did not keep up with posts. In 2019 I look forward to enhancing my blog design and posting consistently throughout the year.
  2. Finish my second Paint by Numbers painting. Grade A++. Finished my painting in the nick of time. I do enjoy painting, whether I can paint something without numbers is yet to be determined.
  3. Have a positive attitude about new adventures. Grade B+. Never did I imagine that I would go through all this adventure one year. I have handled all this change pretty well. While I can’t control so many things in life, I can work on reigning in my see-sawing reactions and thoughts. I continue to work on having a positive attitude in all aspects of my life — not a false sense of positivity more like accepting the way things are and improving my mindset. I consistently meditated in 2018 which has helped me tremendously.
  4. Continue meditatingbeing grateful for people and experiences in my life, and working on my passion projects. Grade B+. Meditating regularly. Check. Working on my blog and painting (passion projects). Check. Am grateful for my family, friends, job, health. Check. Additionally, I started volunteering in the education space. Check plus. Working out. Check plus. As you can see, the theme has been consistency and living a more fulfilling life. I look forward to an equally productive 2019. Although, I have to reduce my Instagram and Linkedin usage. And disengage from Facebook again.

Overall, 2018 was an amazing year filled with lots of joy, positivity, and adventures. 2018 was like building the foundation for this new phase in my life. After struggling in 2017, I made changes in multiple arenas in my life. 2019 will be the year to strengthen that foundation and push myself out of my comfort zone further. 

Thank you readers for staying with me on this journey. I look forward to entertaining you all in 2019. Happy New Year!

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